
Who Do We Serve?


A Licensed and Certified Speech Trainer coaches you on customized, progressive targets to improve Standard American English pronunciation and speech clarity. We help clients with both foreign and regional accents speak more clearly and confidently.

Typical Speech Training results:
  • Clearer pronunciation and improved understandability;

  • Reduced frustration and improved speaking confidence; 

  • Improved acceptance and rapport between co-workers and clients.

  • More natural speech rhythm, voice inflection, and cadence; 

  • Increased effectiveness and communication skills as a team member;

Features of our uniquely tailored training:
  • Focused and methodical training of crucial, customized targets with practical exercises and immediately applicable tools.

  • Improvement measured objectively with before and after analyses. 

  • Group classes as well as one-on-one, individual instruction. 

  • Typical minimum of 50% improvement with full participation and consistent practice. 

  • Training sessions by phone, internet or face-to-face.

  • Weekly sessions or intensive “boot-camp” style format.

  • Attractive, competitive pricing.