
October 12, 2015

5 Ways Correct American English Pronunciation Will Increase Your Success!!

When your English speaking is easily understood you:

  1. Increase professional value, job security, and promotability: When employees communicate better, they can contribute more, and more easily. It makes difficult interactions tougher, detailed explanations difficult, and your ability to influence diminished. Your work might be unappreciated and misunderstood all because of the difficulty others are having making sense of what you say. And no one is going to tell you about it. (Most people consider it rude to openly bring attention to your accented speech.)

Your professional value will increase when you are able to communicate your ideas more effectively and contribute more easily and extensively. If you are difficult to understand, it makes your interactions more challenging, detailed explanations problematic and compromises your power to influence. If you are difficult to understand, colleagues are not likely to tell you for fear of seeming rude. Likewise, people are unlikely to ask you to repeat something more than two times before becoming embarrassed. And so your work may go undervalued and misunderstood, and no one will tell you about it!  At Crystal Speech we will teach you how to speak American English more clearly and with appropriate intonation and speed so that you can reach your full potential.

  1. Experience greater confidence and effectiveness: When an accent is so strong that it impedes communication, people pay more attention to HOW you talk, not what you say. Explanations may be misunderstood and frustration for both the speaker and listener can be high.

When your speech is difficult to understand, it can be very frustrating for both the speaker and the listener. Your input and explanations may be misunderstood.A strong accent impedes effective communication. At Crystal Speech we will teach you techniques for improving and monitoring your American English Pronunciation clarity.

  1. Improve relationships with customers and friends: After pronunciation training, most speakers emerge with two sets of speaking styles: the style most appropriate for being an effective and influential communicator (in business, professional and some social contexts) and the style that naturally reflects the personality that friends and family appreciate the most. Speech and communication style defines each of us to a certain degree, but learning to apply a new speaking style does not mean giving up your true personality and identity.

American English Pronunciation Training will teach you an additional set of pronunciation skills; it  doesn’t mean the style representing your personality and identity will be lost. You will emerge with the possibility of two different speaking styles. In situations where you need to be clearly understood, effective and influential, such as in professional settings, you will have the necessary skill set and insight. In social settings where you may prefer the unique character of your speech, you can still speak in the style that reflects your personality and culture.

  1. Receive higher interview ratings (professionals and students): Successful business and college interviews directly reflect your ability to express and represent yourself verbally. Your strengths will go unrecognized if your speech is not easily understood.Whether you are in a professional or educational setting, your interview is dependent upon your ability to represent yourself and express yourself through clear speech. If you are not easily understood your character, intent, and assets may go unrecognized. Furthermore, studies show that there is a misconception that people who have trouble speaking also have trouble understanding. Training with Crystal Speech will teach you the skills you need to represent yourself in a compelling  and convincing manner.
  2. Gain greater respect and trust: People are reluctant to interact with you if it’s difficult to get clear information from you. Customers and employers may find it bothersome and unappealing, attracting negative attention.

Customers and colleagues may be reluctant and frustrated by interactions with you when it’s challenging for them to receive information from you. Researchers have found that accented speakers have less credibility simply because they are more difficult to understand. Training from Crystal Speech will teach you to express yourself to command the greatest respect and  credibility and create a solid reputation.


Proper  pronunciation will help you achieve your greatest potential.
Express for Success!!

2 Comments on “5 Ways Correct American English Pronunciation Will Increase Your Success!!

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January 24, 2020 at 6:10 am

Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂

February 16, 2020 at 3:37 am

Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂


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